Escort and competition how to stand out among other girls

The job of escort is a profession like many others. The girl is required to meet specific requirements, to constantly improve herself and to possess professional and personal qualities capable of capturing the client’s interest and maintaining long-term communication. The job depends largely not so much on appearance, but on the ability to present oneself, communicate and hold conversations on current topics. Tasks include escorting to social events, parties, business meetings and other gatherings. Sexual escorts are negotiated on an individual basis.

Learn about the features of the profession

For attractive and well-groomed girls, working as an escort can be an ideal option, not only to earn a high and constant income, but also to open up to new opportunities:

  • becoming part of the elite world,
  • meeting influential people,
  • learning how to attract high-profile clients,
  • traveling,
  • visiting the best resorts and restaurants in the world.
  • increasing your personal confidence,
  • taking advantage of your natural qualities for professional development,
  • developing emotional intelligence and adaptability,
  • broadening your horizons,
  • honing aesthetic skills such as plasticity, dance and other disciplines that can boost your professional growth.

Every girl can learn to use her own unique features, her knowledge. They are not necessary for this type of work: on the contrary, the ability to build and assert personal boundaries is welcomed, so that employees correctly perceive their capabilities. Being a sexual escort is an opportunity, but not an obligation, so this job has nothing to do with an old profession.

Work on your appearance

The main characteristic of the escort profession is the ability to create magic and awaken intense emotions in the life of the sponsor. It all starts with appearance, as this is the first criterion by which men choose their escorts. A girl should be slim, well-groomed and pay attention to her figure, the condition of her skin, her style of dress, her hairstyle and her makeup.

As part of their responsibilities, escorts should be involved as much as possible in a wide variety of areas of life. This is essential to stay interesting and be able to hold conversations on any topic that may interest the client or be related to their work. Due to the fact that escorts are hired by very wealthy men, the job of a female escort is not just about being an escort. It is essential to be aware of the latest political, sporting, social and economic events, always maintaining a neutral stance. It is important to know how to skillfully vary and direct the conversation, creating a relaxed atmosphere and generating pleasant emotions. Therefore, openly arguing or imposing a point of view is as inappropriate as ignoring the client’s interests. Sensitivity, the ability to listen, establish bonds of trust and offer emotional support are often more valuable than physical leisure time itself.

Developing communication skills

The ability of escort agency employees to develop their communication skills directly influences their success and career advancement. The first impression of clients is largely based on the ability to start and maintain a conversation. If the interlocutor is not interesting or is not able to discuss topics of interest, their physical attributes or impeccable appearance will be of little use. Working abroad as an escort places great demands on oneself and on the working conditions.

Listening to and understanding the client is one of the main responsibilities of girls who want to work as an escort. The escort must be able to perceive and be attentive to the wishes, expectations and needs of the client, delicately discovering their preferences and establishing emotional contact, something that is impossible without both verbal and non-verbal communication. Success in the escort business depends largely on the extent to which two people can become partners. Girls who are unable to maintain a conversation, have no opinion of their own, are not knowledgeable about the topic that interests the guest, are quickly disappointed by the visitors and will not prolong the time of communication.

Follow safety rules

A career as an escort involves certain risks, so employees must take into account certain safety rules:

    1. Client selection: Usually, this task is performed by the agency, but an escort must always have all the information about the person she is going to meet.

    2. Safety on a date: It is essential to choose safe and trustworthy places. In addition, you must inform your agent about your location, follow the established plan for the date and keep him informed of your whereabouts while traveling.

   3. Financial security. The conditions of the meeting are negotiated immediately. Only proven and secure payment methods are used, as well as data encryption programs.

   4. Compliance with the protection of personal data. This includes biography, photos and videos. It is recommended to provide a portfolio only through the Gracell agency, in accordance with the contract, which is responsible for security and confidentiality.

   5. A list of contacts and organizations that the girl can turn to in case of breach of contract, violation of her rights, threats.

The issue of safety should not be overlooked. Many of the conditions are set out in the terms of a contract for escort work in Israel, but an escort must always remember that she must react quickly to dangerous situations and be able to defend herself.